Personal Data Privacy Policy sets out how Esempla processes these
In this context and according to the legislation in force,
we inform you that:
- Personal data is any information about an identified or identifiable individual, which can be identified direct or indirect, can refer to an identification number or to one or other more identical elements for sale physical, physiological, psychic, economic, cultural or social.
- Personal data processing is any operation or series of operations performed on personal data by automated or non-automated means, such as collecting, recording, organizing, storing, storing, restoring, adapting or changing, extracting, consulting, using , disclosure by transmission, dissemination or in any other way, joining or combining, blocking, deleting or destroying.
Therefore, by accessing our website and entering your data, you accept the processing of these data by us. Depending on the purpose for which you access our website, you will have the possibility to enter the following personal data: name, surname, e-mail, phone number, data about your current workplace or the company you represent and the data included by you in the Curriculum Vitae, in case you apply for a job with us.
By entering personal data on our website, you express your agreement to be contacted by Esempla representatives in relation to the purpose for which you entered your data on the website (answers to your requests, invitations to interviews for the position you applied for, invitations to conferences, newsletters, etc.).